Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How To Word Pay Your Own Dinner

My afternoon with Margueritte

What makes a man telling pigeons in a plaza. Using names, making a story. What makes a woman sitting in the square watching the pigeons counter. What happens when the eyes meet, there are some words and start a dialogue. It happens that the birds will continue coming to the plaza, but this man and this woman will fall a deep friendship, rich and moving.

My afternoon with Marguerite (La tĂȘte en friche) is a French film. Of natural beauty, is one of those stories I squeeze your throat and move my spirit. Unpretentious film depth and subliminal messages unintelligible passages, on the contrary, a simple, straightforward story, with dialogue cotideanos and threads that weave the life of a worker in his fifties and a cultured alone. A Gerard Depardieu and Gisele Casadesus (to 95 years) in a brilliant performance to take the weight and emotion to the work of Gallic country. Hermosa movie that I recommend.

worth sitting down to watch the dialogues of this film and delivered to the deep feeling of life-changing in the middle of conversations with the pigeons, the same of the squares they are brown, white and gray. Them coming in the afternoon to pick a few crumbs as a man and a woman tells them watching. Recommended



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